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On 4 and 5 December 2023, a round table on the subject "Meeting for European Universities" was held at the House of Europe, Sofia. The meeting was jointly organized by the embassies of France and Spain in Bulgaria, within the framework of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU, and was opened by the Minister of Education and Science. The hosts of the meeting were H.E. Mr. Joel Meyer, Ambassador of France, H.E. Mr. Alejandro Polanco Mata, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain, as well as the French Institute in Bulgaria.
“European Universities” are alliances which bring together between 7 and 10 higher education institutions located in member-states of the Erasmus+ program. This program was launched by the European Commission and actively supported by Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister Mariya Gabriel, during her term of office as European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth. There are currently 50 alliances bringing together 430 establishments and 7 million students, or nearly 20% of European students. A final call will take place in 2024, to achieve the objective of 60 alliances, bringing together 500 universities in Europe.
Currently, 10 Bulgarian universities are members of European Universities, 7 of which have French and Spanish establishments. The interest of these alliances is unanimously recognized by their members. They help encourage student mobility and the development of multilingualism. They are also an asset for increasing the attractiveness and competitiveness of European higher education, in an increasingly competitive global environment. The meeting on December 5 made it possible to address other subjects of major importance, such as the development of research excellence or the way in which alliances can contribute to local economic development. The reforms that member-states must undertake to facilitate the mutual recognition of diplomas and to ensure that, in the future, students can obtain a European diploma in addition to their national diploma were also discussed.
Prof. Eliza Stefanova, President of the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency took part in the panel discussion "European Degree Label: the issue of recognizing ECTS and diplomas in different countries".