You can send your questions to the email qa@neaa.government.bg
Procedure for Selection of Experts
Feedback Information System
Feedback information system - Corrector - NEAA
System of Quality Assurance
System of quality assurance in the activities of the NEAA
Statements of the Commission for Post-Accreditation Monitoring and Control
REPORT By Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gergana Vassileva Boyanova - member of the SC on PAMC
Association of pig industry in Bulgaria
Association of producers of grafted grape vine nursery and table grapes
Bulgarian chamber of chemical industry
Bulgarian construction chamber
Bulgarian industrial association
Chamber of architects in Bulgaria
Chamber of engineers in the investment design
Rules of Procedure
Adopted by the Accreditation Council to NEAA on 03.12.2015 (Protocol № 27)
Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance (ESG) in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA)
Programme for the Application of ESG in the EHEA
Adopted by the Accreditation Council to NEAA on 15.10.2015 (Protocol № 23)
Action Plan to Implement the Programme for the Application of ESG in the EHEA
Adopted by the Accreditation Council to NEAA on 29.10.2015 (Protocol № 24)
Methodology of the self-evaluation process of NEAA in connection with the external review by ENQA
Adopted by the Accreditation Council to NEAA on 11.02.2016 (Protocol № 4)