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On 24.01.2024, the President of the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency (NEAA), Prof. Eliza Stefanova, presented the rector of the University of National and World Economics (UNWE), Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov, with a Certificate of Institutional Accreditation. The University received institutional accreditation with the highest rating among Bulgarian universities - 9.80, valid until 14.12.2029.
Prof. Stefanova expressed her view that institutional accreditation shows the quality that the university offers to students. This is an assessment not only of the education process, but of everything that the institution itself offers from the beginning of training until graduation. "The process at the beginning of adaptation is sometimes difficult and needs special mentoring support. At a later stage, it becomes important what opportunities for career orientation are offered, what connections there are with business, how specialists are attracted from practice and from state enterprises in the process of discussing the curricula and programs for the relevant specialties. All this should be integrated into the learning process. The very environment in which the student develops must also be at a sufficiently high level. We must make sure that the conditions are created for students to acquire the best education, so that they can subsequently improve their employability in the job market", said Prof. Eliza Stefanova and added that the University's policy is important, but of extreme importance is the very process of policy implementation, which must be controlled by the higher education institution and be upgraded and improved.
The rector of UNWE, Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov, thanked everyone who worked diligently on the collection of primary data and the preparation of the self-assessment report for institutional accreditation, the members of the Accreditation Commission, the members of the working groups. Special thanks went to Prof. Matilda Alexandrova for the expert leadership and coordination of the entire quality accreditation process, to the Secretary General for accreditation (at the time of preparing the self-assessment report) and the chairman of the Accreditation Commission.
At the meeting, which was also attended by Prof. Galina Mladenova, chairperson of the Standing Committee on Economic Sciences and Management at NEAA, Prof. Matilda Alexandrova, Acting Deputy Rector for Academic Activities and Chair of the Accreditation Commission, Assoc. prof. Elena Simeonova, Chief Secretary for Accreditation, Mrs. Gergana Kirilova, Director of the Rector's Office Directorate and Assoc. prof. Rosen Kirilov, Acting Vice-Rector for digitalization and cyber security, the possibility of UNSS hosting in a seminar jointly organized with NEAA on accreditation issues in May 2024 was discussed.