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On 25.03.2024, a roundtable discussion on the topic "Quality of social work education in professional direction 3.4. Social activities. A vision for effective training of social workers in higher education institutions" was held in the city of Veliko Tarnovo. The event was organized by the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency, and hosted by the University of Veliko Tarnovo "St. st. Cyril and Methodius".
More than 40 representatives of Bulgarian HEIs took part in the discussion, including Plovdiv University, Ruse University, Sofia University, Technical University – Varna, Technical University – Gabrovo, Medical University – Pleven, Shumen University, Trakia University, South-West University. Representatives from the Committee on Education and Science at the National Assembly, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Labour and Social Policyand Veliko Tarnovo Municipality also participated.
The event was opened by the rector of Veliko Tarnovo University, Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov. Introductory words were also delivered by the chairperson of the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency, Prof. Eliza Stefanova, Assoc. prof. Silvia Tsvetanska, member of the Accreditation Council of NEAA.
Welcoming address to the participants of the event was read on behalf of the Minister of Labor and Social Policy Ivanka Shalapatova. Assoc. prof. Mediha Hamza, representative of the Committee on Education and Science at the National Assembly, as well as Prof. Miroslav Nedelchev, senior expert in the Higher Education Directorate of the Ministry of Education and Science also welcomed the participants in the roundtable.
The results of the Summary Report for Professional Field 3.4 “Social Activities” were presented and discussed during the event. Discussions followed on the topics of preparation of HEIs for accreditation of PF 3.4. in the context of the current changes in the accreditation procedures of NEAA, as well as for the vision of effective training of social workers in higher schools. The event ended with drafting and adoption of a final document from the forum aimed at interested parties /the National Assembly, the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, the Ministry of Education and Science, etc./ - to stimulate changes and improvements of the quality of the training of social workers in the system of higher education and increasing the prestige of the "social worker" profession. The discussions were led by Prof. Stefanova, Assoc. prof. Tsvetanska and Prof. Siyka Chavdarova – Kostova, chairperson of the Standing Committee on Pedagogical Sciences and Social Activities at NAOA.