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NEAA participated in the General Assembly of CEENQA for 2024.

On the 17th and 18th of May, 2024, the annual conference and meeting of the General Assembly of the Central and Eastern European Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (CEENQA) was held in Baku, Azerbaijan.


The event was hosted by the Azerbaijani Education Quality Assurance Agency (TKTA). The conference was opened with welcoming remarks by Tural Ahmadov, Chair of the Board of TKTA. Welcoming addresses also followed by Emin Amrullayev, Minister of Science and Education of Azerbaijan, and Franci Demšar, President of CEENQA between 2020 and 2024. During the conference, the main topics of lectures and discussions were internationalization in higher education, cross-border accreditation, recognition of qualifications and others.


During the meeting of the General Assembly of CEENQA Prof. Dr. Stanimir Yotov, member of the Accreditation Council of NEAA, represented the agency with voting rights. Elections were held for CEENQA Board members, as a result of which Vesna Dodiković-Jurković, Deputy Director of AZVO (Croatia), Prof. Dinçay Köksal (Turkey), founding member of the Association for Accreditation and Assessment of Education of lecturers, Prof. Hasan Bicak (Turkey), Rector of Ruaf Denktas University, and Dr. Péter Lakatos (Hungary), International Director of MAB, Hungary. Following the election of board members, elections were held for the positions of President, Vice President and Treasurer of CEENQA, the results were as follows:

  • Vesna Dodiković-Jurković, AZVO (Croatia) - President;

  • Diane Freiberger, FIBAA (Germany) - Vice President;

  • Peter Lakatos, MAB (Hungary) – Treasurer.



During the conference, Junior Expert Dyani Kurulenko took part in a survey in the form of an interview by the CEENQA Secretariat related to the independence of HEQA agencies in making accreditation decisions.


Images: NEAA

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