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Accredited doctoral programmes in Technical University – Varna
Name Date of accreditation granted** / Valid until: Rating Professional field Annotation
Social Work, Psychological Research and Social Politics  03.07.2024 9,05 3.4 Social Activities pdf 16x16 
Technology of Mechanical Engineering Materials 12.07.2025  9,38 5.1 Mechanics pdf 16x16
Science of Materials and Machine Elements  28.06.2025  9,28 5.1 Mechanics  pdf 16x16
Mechanical Engineering Technology 12.07.2025 9,31  5.1 Mechanics  pdf 16x16
Applied Mechanics 28.06.2024 8,59 5.1 Mechanics pdf 16x16
Internal Combustion Engines  28.06.2025  9,39 5.1 Mechanics  pdf 16x16
Production Automation  01.11.2024**  9,21 5.2 Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation  pdf 16x16
Electrical Machines and Apparatus 01.11.2024**  9,22 5.2 Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation  pdf 16x16
Power Supply and Electrical Equipment  01.11.2024**  9,24 5.2 Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation pdf 16x16
Electronization 01.11.2024** 9,32 5.2 Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation pdf 16x16
Automatic Control Theory  01.11.2024**  9,22 5.2 Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation  pdf 16x16
Electrical Technologies and Nanotechnologies in Electrical Engineering 01.11.2024**  9,22 5.2.  Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation  pdf 16x16
Artificial Intelligence 15.02.2024** 8,84 5.3 Communication and Computer Equipment   pdf 16x16
System Programming  12.09.2024**  9,23 5.3 Communication and Computer Equipment   pdf 16x16
Computer Systems, Complexes and Networks  12.09.2024**  9,35 5.3 Communication and Computer Equipment   pdf 16x16
Information Processing and Control Automatic Systems  12.09.2024**  9,13 5.3 Communication and Computer Equipment   pdf 16x16
Communication Engineering Theoretical Bases 12.09.2024**  9,22 5.3 Communication and Computer Equipment   pdf 16x16
Communication Networks and Systems 12.09.2024**   9,06 5.3 Communication and Computer Equipment  pdf 16x16
Theoretical Electrical Engineering 25.11.2022  9,30 5.3 Communication and Computer Equipment pdf 16x16
Heat Engineering  06.12.2025  9,44 5.4 Energetics  pdf 16x16
Electric Power Systems 06.12.2025  9,40 5.4 Energetics  pdf 16x16
Industrial Transport Organisation and Management (Water Transport) 15.03.2024  8,77 5.5 Transport, Navigation and Aviation pdf 16x16
Ship Steering and Navigation 12.07.2025  9,10 5.5 Transport, Navigation and Aviation  pdf 16x16
Ship's Electrical Equipment 12.07.2025 9,39 5.5 Transport, Navigation and Aviation pdf 16x16
Environment Preservation Systems and Devices 12.07.2025  9,39 5.5 Transport, Navigation and Aviation  pdf 16x16
Ship Power Systems, Machinery and Mechanisms


9,08 5.5 Transport, Navigation and Aviation pdf 16x16
Ship Building and Ship Repair


8,83  5.5 Transport, Navigation and Aviation  pdf 16x16
Automotive Equipment and Transport


8,72 5.5 Transport, Navigation and Aviation pdf 16x16
Organization and management of production (industry) 01.12.2023 9,11 5.13 General Engineering pdf 16x16
Ergonomy and Industrial Design 12.07.2025 9,43  5.13 General Engineering   pdf 16x16

 **The term of validity of the accreditation is until the next accreditation of a professional field, according to the schedule under Art. 81, para. 2 of the Higher Education Act

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