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NEAA Training seminar at Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski”
On June 19, 2024, a training seminar titled “Self-Assessment Report and Possible Evidence – Key Highlights” was held in the city of Plovdiv. The seminar was organized by the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency, with the Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski" hosting the event. The seminar featured lectures by Prof. Eliza Stefanova, President of NEAA, Prof. Maria Schnitter, Vice-President of the Agency, and Assoc. Prof. Maria Kehaiova-Stoycheva, a member of the Accreditation Council of the NEAA. The event was attended by over 100 participants in person, with more than 60 joining the discussions remotely.
During the seminar, key topics related to the update of accreditation standards and criteria, as well as the evaluation methodology and process, were discussed. New self-assessment report forms and methodological guidelines for their completion were presented. Emphasis was placed on the forms for primary data that accompany the reports and on the electronic submission of documents. Participants were informed about the need for strict adherence to deadlines and precision in the submission of data by higher education institutions to NACID and the Rating System. The lecturers highlighted the analytical nature of the self-assessment report, as well as the importance of selecting evidential materials related to quantitative and qualitative indicators according to the relevant criteria and standards.
The seminar program, speaker presentations, and a video recording of the event are available through the following links:
Seminar Program - https://www.neaa.government.bg/images/novini/Pokana_seminar_19.06.2024.pdf
Seminar presentation - https://www.neaa.government.bg/images/events/NAOA-Plovdiv_19.06.2024.pptx
Video Recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eQBfNoyzz-jDmM8U1TQAox7e75jq9hyi/view?usp=drive_link